Support the EU ban on Tar Sands

The UK is still opposing EU plans to ban tar sands. Tell Norman Baker and Nick Clegg to take a clear stand for the planet. Tell the government what you think about their plans to oppose the EU’s ban on tar sands. Follow this link to send them a letter.
Ruth Jarman



Date: 22 February, 2012 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 1

Comments on "Support the EU ban on Tar Sands"

Nigel Prior:

April 11, 2012

Dear sirs, Thank you for sending this to me these are such important issues for humanity to survive and overcome if we are to bring world peace understanding across our planet. I am a christian but i also respect all the good in othee faiths as well. We face very tough times now and in the future mainly due the the demands of human population on the planets natural resources. We have exceeded peaks in oil as well as arable land which is the key along with water to future generations being able to live sustainable lives within the planets means sharing what the planet can afford to let us consume and not what some us would like to through greed and selfishness

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