28 January 2017, Way of Life Workshop, London (Publicity)
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Nurturing Creation
(Re)discovering a radical creation-centred way of being
A one day workshop open to all who are interested in Green Christian’s Way of Life.
Keynote Speaker will be:
Rev Dr Martin Poulsom SDB
Head of Theology, Convener, MA in Christian Theology and BA in Theology at Heythrop College, University of London and Chair, live simply coordinating group
There will be an opportunity to share our experiences of using the Way of Life disciplines as an aid to our ongoing spiritual journeys. The day will include presentations on resources and discussions on the 4 disciplines. Open to Companions and Explorers of the Way and also to those who are interested in this new adventure.
St Aloysius Church, 20 Phoenix Road, London NW1 1TA
(near Euston station)
Saturday 28 January, 2017. 11am to 4.30pm
Cost free – but donations on the day welcome. Booking is essential as space is limited. Deadline for receiving bookings is 21 January 2017.
To book a place e-mail georgedow@greenchristian.org.uk
The Green Christian Way of Life is offered to believers for whom care for God’s creation in all its forms is a fundamental outworking of their faith.
It is a calling for deeper engagement and shared encouragement and comprises four disciplines:
Daily Prayer and Devotions, Living Gently on the Earth, Public Witness and Encouragement.
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