An example of GC News: 150: 5 Sept 2020

Example of recent GC News email. Sign up (on the right) for to receive free GC News Emails

Record water levels in Ribble in Settle on 17 Feb this year – just one e.g. of increasingly extreme weather.

5 Sept 2020 

1. Climate Sunday 6 Sept
Climate Sunday Press release:
Climate Sunday launches across Britain and Ireland

When the  UN COP 26 Climate talks were scheduled for November 2020 in Glasgow, the Churches in Britain decided to have a Climate Sunday on 6 September 2020. Now that the Climate talks have been postponed a year, it is hoped that all churches will hold a Climate Sunday service in their own church over the coming year. See Resources

The talks have been postponed a year but the emergency has not – and by next year the storms, floods, droughts and world temperature increases will be that much greater, and the action required even more drastic.
Please – everyone who reads this email – do ask you church leadership “When in 2020/2021 are we having our climate service?”

2. Extinction Rebellion, Christian Climate Action Activities
Do read the Christian Climate Action Press Release issued on 2 Sept – entitled:  “Rowan Williams and Bishops join Extinction Rebellion as Christians arrested”

.See short video of Rowan Willams  on 1 Sept

More current news on CCA Twitter 

See articles in Church Times and Catholic Universe

3. Next Green Christian Online Zoom Workshops: Wed 9 SeptWed 9 Sept  7pm BST: Care of The Heart Space   with Sister Zoë Leadbetter
How is God calling each of us as individuals and as communities to act for the environment and how should we respond? Register here to get the link

4. The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (The CEE Bill)

This Bill outlines the path needed to avoid the catastrophe outlined by the United Nations…it is farsighted, aiming to protect those at risk now and in the future.   Read more here.. 

Has your MP signed up to support it yet? See Resources
GC member Poppy Pickard (above) said “I’m thrilled there is now an early day motion for the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill. People must get their MPs to sign it” 

5. Green Christian – Cheltenham 
Green Christian Local Group to hold Stations of Creation WalkFri 11 Sept: Cheltenham : A one-hour Stations of Creation walk is scheduled for 5pm starting from St Thomas More’s car park, GL51 7RA.
On Thur 3 August members of Christian Climate Action and others held a Stations of Creation event near Euston Station – at the site where HS2 will start: See the 25min video of this here.

6. Christian Hymns re Creation
Resound Worship have produced a CD of Christian Songs about Creation:13 NEW songs on themes of creation, ecology & CHRISTIAN hope which was launched on 1 Sept – Called Doxecology. You can listen to them here. There is a music book you can buy and a useful bible study workbook.

Remember there are some useful songs  on Green Christian’s Website  (words to well known tunes)  and I am always keen to hear of more songs to add.. 

6. New posts on Green Christian’s Website
Green Christian Autumn magazine has just been sent to members. You can read the editorial and three of the articles here:
Vegan Statistics



Date: 6 September, 2020 | Category: Green Christian Events Hymns News | Comments: 0

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