An Inconvenient Sequel – Truth to Power
Last Friday I went with my husband to see a preview of Al Gore’s new documentary, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”. This was preceded by a Q&A session with Al Gore himself at a central London cinema which was beamed live to another 300 odd cinemas country wide.
Al introduced the Q&A by citing the major changes over the last 10 years since his film An Inconvenient Truth, these were the increase in extreme weather events and that a solution to the energy problem now existed through solar power and wind power. Questions to Al were of a fairly general nature, eg how to engage the masses, what to do about climate deniers, what was the mood in Paris during the climate conference, how much harder has Donald Trump made things, what can children do, how to stay positive, what is the one behaviour people should change, ….
He gave generally sound advice with which most of us would be familiar. I was rather waiting for the ‘don’t fly’ response to the question about behaviour change, but instead he recommended getting involved in changing laws and policies.
The film itself I would recommend provided you don’t mind seeing too much of Al Gore and his ‘achievements’. The things that struck me were how quickly, exponentially even, the use of solar power has grown in certain parts of the world, I think Chile was the specific example; and how Gore through his Climate Reality Project has trained thousands of people worldwide to become climate campaigners, particularly passionate was a young man from the Philipines who just survived Typhoon Haiyan.
I’ll be interested to know what others make of the film. Poppy Pickard
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