As Climate is Warming

Tune – The Ash Grove

As climate is warming
Will bees keep on swarming
If we just continue to damage the earth?
Will birds and sea-creatures,
With beautiful features,
Forever be lost by denying their worth?
Will trees and each flower
Succumb to the power
Of poisons and toxins we put in the air?
As ice-caps diminish,
A sign of the finish –
We must meet this crisis and show that we care.

If we start to measure
Some things that we treasure
It may cause us anguish to let these things go;
For comfort and leisure,
Our life-style and pleasure,
We claim we have earned and don’t wish to forgo;
But we can all ponder
And face what we squander,
Then start to make change in the way that we live;
We can curb excesses;
Each harms and oppresses
The poor and the weak; we take what they don’t give.

To greenhouse emissions
We make our additions
And by them we foster some possible gloom;
But with perseverance
We can make a diff’rence;
We can work to limit the fuel we consume;
We’ll tell each law-maker
That every green acre
Is ours to look after and not to destroy;
God’s bounty possessing;
We’re stewards of blessing;
We meet our commitment with challenging joy.

With nature so fragile,
Yet dazzling and fertile,
We ponder its beauty, its charm and its grace;
Evolving triumphant
With life so abundant –
Confounded we are with so much to embrace;
Yet these green-house gases
Pollute in their masses;
We need to decrease them; we know that we should!
When nature is bleeding
We hear urgent pleading
To change our behaviour; we know how we could!

If we stop this warming
Then bees will keep swarming
And sweetness of honey remain for our taste;
Then birds and sea creatures
And hills and sea beaches
Will stay in their magic, unharmed by our waste;
The charm every hour
Of trees and each flower
Will bring us to silence in wonder and awe;
With God so surrounding
In beauty astounding
We kneel in God’s presence to praise and adore.

The author, George Stuart ( of Newcastle NSW Australia is happy for people to print this hymn for services and non commercial publications etc provided that the exact words are printed, and that he is credited. He would be pleased to hear where it is being used.



Date: 27 October, 2011 | Category: Hymns | Comments: 0

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