Baildon Methodist Church EcoCongregation

An Eco-Ccongregation rejoices on the green!

This creation-tide the Eco-Congregation of Baildon Methodist Church, Bradford, ended a celebratory service by praying on its lawn. The drizzle stopped and the sun came out.

It is 10 years since Baildon church appointed its first Eco-officer.

There have been worship services on electricity, oil, water and the biblical basis for eco-theology. Photovoltaic electricity generating panels have been installed on the roof; this has, for example, generated funds for the replacement of many lights with LEDs. Far-Infrared electric heating has replaced the ancient gas central heating in the church. The church obtains all its electricity from Good Energy, a supplier which only generates electricity from renewables. Extensive insulation has been installed above ceilings and under the floor. The church garden has 40 unusual apple trees, plums, a quince and a medlar.

In the celebration this year, examples of the fruits were displayed. A conversation between St Francis and God on the state of the earth was acted out. Hymns written for the occasion were sung. Individuals were challenged take specific eco-actions mirroring those of their church.

The congregation rejoiced. They are now inspired to raise money to erect a Passivhaus building which will consume very little energy. They are massively reducing their carbon dioxide emissions. They are following Christ’s words in Mark 16:15 ‘Proclaim the good news to the whole creation’.



Date: 22 September, 2016 | Category: News | Comments: 0

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