Bicycle v Motorised Transport Race for World Environment Day

CEL member John Guillebaud is orgnising an event on world Environment Day (5 June). It is a competition between cyclists (himself on a Brompton.. and friends)  a runner and motorised transport

It is to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Environment Time Capsule, Kew Gardens, Thursday 5th June 2014 from 1630.  See

The competition is to demonstrate the viability of travel by bike, the most sustainable mode of transport, also to raise funds for Population Matters It will be a race: John Guillebaud on his Brompton (supported by other cyclists) with his son Dr Chris Guillebaud & others running the distance against travellers by car and underground, between Margaret Pyke Centre London and Kew Gardens (Elizabeth Gate). Others can join in using whatever is their own choice of transport, or cheer us on along the way. The Margaret Pyke Centre was where Professor John Guillebaud worked in family planning, with sustainability as a motive.  As he says, for the environment contraceptive Pills are just like bicycles (OK…’despite being not much good to get you from A to B – and the latter may be a bit cumbersome in the bedroom!’). Indeed to make the point back in 1994, he put a packet of Pills into the time capsule.
John’s Justgiving page is called, appropriately: !

Prof John Guillebaud is Emeritus Professor of Family Planning and  and wrote an article for CEL in 2008   You can see his TEDx talk here: in which he points out that population is the main driver (influencer) on all the planetary boundaries that are being exceeded: – climate change, loss of biodiversity, soil loss etc. And he cares that it should be voluntary and that women should be given the choice and facilities to make their choices.



Date: 9 May, 2014 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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