Biodiversity COP15 in May 2021? – Note 2010-2020: ‘Massive failure’: World misses all biodiversity targets.

The Biodiversity COP15 (Conference of the Parties) which was postponed in 2020 because of Covid and was intended to be held in May 2021 has, again due to Covid, been postponed and is now planned to be held 11-24 October in Kunming, China  (More Background to Kunming.)

The world hasn’t fully met any of the 20 biodiversity targets set by global governments a decade ago, at COP10 in Aichi, leading conservationists to condemn nature protection efforts as a “massive failure”.

A United Nations report revealed only six of the “Aichi targets” for 2020 have been partially achieved. The other 14, such as eliminating subsidies that are driving biodiversity loss or halving the rate at which natural habitats are being lost, have been completely missed.

The goals were agreed by almost 200 governments at a 2010 UN Convention on Biological Diversity …

Ten and a half years ago Green Christian Members prayed for the Aichi Conference at Nagoya. –

Elephant silhouetted at sunset Loxodonta Africa Amboseli Game Reserve Kenya

Green Christian encouraged its members
* via posters of a prayer put in their in their churches,
* to pray for the International Conference at Nagoya / Aichi on Conserving Biodiversity. (This was COP 10 – October 2010 – see history of COPs on Biodiversity)

20 targets were set up for the next then years – the Aichi goals:

Quote from Guardian in Sept 2020

From tackling pollution to protecting coral reefs, the international community did not fully achieve any of the 20 Aichi biodiversity targets agreed in Japan in 2010 to slow the loss of the natural world. It is the second consecutive decade that governments have failed to meet targets.

The 20 Aichi biodiversity targets are broken down into 60 separate elements to monitor overall progress. Of those, seven have been achieved, 38 have shown progress and 13 elements have shown no progress. Progress remains unknown for two elements.

What can we do?

  1. Write to your MP asking them to encourage Britain to be more ambitious at these conferences in saving nature.

2. Raise £100 to save endangered habitat. – (Green Christian Rainforest Fund)

3. Contribute to A Rocha International projects – supporting research work by scientists in their partner organisations and conservation projects – in countries where there are still wild animals and plants left to save.

4. Read these Useful weblinks about COP15:



Date: 14 March, 2021 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 2

Comments on "Biodiversity COP15 in May 2021? – Note 2010-2020: ‘Massive failure’: World misses all biodiversity targets."

Euan McPhee:

March 18, 2021

As lockdown eases (hopefully) it would be good to have a series of vigils around the country where people could gather (socially-distanced of course) and light candles for extinct/endangered species.

Iain Climie:

March 14, 2021

The Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson pointed out a way forward here which would allow developing countries not to wreck habitats. In The Diversity of Life he pointed out that rainforests could be carefully and profitably used without wrecking them. Two sticking points though are that this means learning lessons from tribal people (instead of blundering in under the mantra of unlimited economic growth) while investment up front is needed. Sadly enthusiasm for such ideas rarely extends to well-off Western companies, consumers and governments opening their wallets.

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