Borrowed Time – pastoral care in a climate and ecological crisis

In Green Christian we think the climate and ecological emergency is probably the greatest pastoral challenge the churches have ever faced.

We want to create places where people can meet together for a journey through climate grief and eco-anxiety. It’s work which requires new skills, new insights and new ways with words.

“Global warming and ecological collapse are threatening life, livelihood, culture and societal stability.” (Bex Craske, Earthwatch Europe.) 

How do we react to these deeply unsettling truths?  Borrowed Time offers safe spaces to explore and share our responses within the context of faith.  We have programmes and resources for individuals and groups, and for ministers and others in leadership roles.

Our aims are

  • to provide and develop support and liturgies/rituals where we can work through the emotional, existential and spiritual challenges which now confront us
  • to face and explore together the threats posed by the current crises to our sense of purpose and identity
  • to inspire us to work out new patterns of discipleship which might unlock urgent political action and economic change
  • to deepen our commitment to a civilisation of love, amid growing turmoil and disorientation, and potential collapse.

Borrowed Time’s own website can be found here.



Date: 24 November, 2019 | Category: Information/Education Uncategorized |Topics: | Comments: 4

Comments on "Borrowed Time – pastoral care in a climate and ecological crisis"

Deep Waters: A project of Borrowed Time: | Interfaith and Climate Change:

December 7, 2021

[…] our Borrowed Time project we are preparing a range of pastoral resources, including circles of support and public rituals, […]

Rev Dr. Chris Walton:

May 27, 2021

I have not been able to participate in any meaningful way for some time. However I do want to be a part, if only a little part, of this very important and necessary project. As you know children's relationship with the earth is my major interest. So far nothing has been shared about our relationship with children in this borrowed time.

News from the latest NJPN Environment group meeting | NATIONAL JUSTICE & PEACE NETWORK:

March 22, 2020

[…] […]

Deborah Short:

December 11, 2019

This looks like a wonderful project. I'm a registered psychotherapist from Wirksworth with 25+ yrs experience with individuals & groups. Have limited spare time but happy volunteer some time to this if I can help

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