CEL is recruiting green Christian communicators

Passionate about faith and environment?
Longing for a prophetic church and a sustainable world?
Then join us at the leading edge of green Christian witness.

As our work enters a new phase CEL is recruiting:

  • voluntary Editor(s) and editorial group convenor for Green Christian, our biennial magazine;
  • a paid Information Officer (5 hours a week) to be our first point of contact for enquiries.

Editor(s) and editorial group convenor for Green Christian magazine  

First issued in 1982, our magazine is CEL’s flagship publication.  It enables us to fulfil our aims in the environmental crisis to:

  • Let loose hope
  • Pioneer practical discipleship
  • Equip prophetic witness
  • Empower agents of change.

We are seeking an Editor to commission (and receive offered material), design the magazine, in the sense of what goes on what page, and to actually design the page(s). We are open to two people sharing these roles and combining their skills. In addition we need someone to convene the editorial group.

We are therefore seeking individuals to play any one or two of the following three roles, as a member of a wider editorial group, initially for the six issues to 2017:

  • Commissioning content, in collaboration with section editors
  • Production and layout, in collaboration with a designer and printer
  • Convenor of the editorial group.

Liaising with our team for web-based media, the editor(s) will work with and report to CEL’s Creative Board, will become a member of CEL, and may be invited to be a member of its Steering Committee. Further details of all three roles
In accordance with CEL’s aspiration to be a radical movement, our most creative roles, such as these, remain in the hand of committed volunteers.

Information Officer
Our advice, help and opinion is in demand from our members, non-members and representatives of churches, media and other environmental organisations.  The Information Officer is their first point of contact:

  • Responding to requests for resources or spokespersons
  • Assisting in liaison other faith and environmental groups
  • Contributing to information published by CEL.

The officer is employed 5 hours a week at £9 per hour in order to be able usually to act on queries within 24 hours. The Information Officer contract is for a year, renewable, with a six month probation period for the first year.  Full job description and person specification.

How to apply

To express an interest in any of these roles, please read the details available from the relevant link above, and send the following to secretary@christian-ecology.org.uk by the closing date of 12 October 2014:

  • Your CV (two pages would be helpful for the Information Officer role; one page is enough for editorial roles)
  • A few words to explain why you are interested in the role
  • An explanation of  how you might be able to fulfil the elements of the person specification (no more than one page for each role)

You are also welcome to send one or two examples of relevant material which you have previously written or published.

Interviews for these roles will be held in London on Saturday 25 October.  Travelling expenses can be reimbursed.

CEL is contemplating significant change over the next few years under the new name of ‘Green Christian’.  We are seeking to establish work with younger adults, foster community through a shared Way of Life, and engage with economics through our ‘Joy in Enough’ programme.  All the roles above will make a contribution to these exciting developments.

We are ordinary Christians for extraordinary times.  We do what we love.  Join us.



Author: poppy | Date: 4 August, 2014 | Category: News | Comments: 0

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