CEL joins the Reclaim Shakespeare Co. protesting against BP & Tar Sands
On Sunday the 18th of November CEL members joined the Chorus for the latest performance of the “Reclaim Shakespeare Company” at the British Museum. This was the Grande Finale of a series of theatrical interventions highlighting BP and other oil companies practise of associating themselves with the nations great institutions so as to distract from their environmentally destructive practices.
BP have sponsored the Royal Shakespeare Company as well as this years World Shakespeare Festival. This event was in response to BP’s sponsorship of the British Museum’s ‘Shakespeare: Staging the World’ exhibition.
200 members of Reclaim Shakespeare performed a series of playlets based upon Shakespeares work highlighting the incongruity of BP’s involvement in the Royal Shakespeare Society. We paraded around the central hall chanting “Out Damn Logo!” between scenes culminating with a short statement where we were told that the Royal Shakespeare Company has now withdrawn from BP’s sponsorship.
The entire event passed without incident and a number of us retired to a local bar afterwards. I believe it’s what Shakespeare would have wanted.
For a short film of the event and more information see: http://bp-or-not-bp.org/news/shakespearean-flashmob-hits-bp-sponsored-british-museum/
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