CEL 2013 Annual Members Meeting and Rule of Life
CEL held its AMM on 2 November at St Aloysius Church, 20 Phoenix Road, Euston, London
Ruth Jarman was in the chair for the meeting, and introduced the 2013-2014 Steering Commitee. Then Paul Bodenham, chairman for Steering committee raised highlights in the Annual Report
Above the Steering committee are standing up to introduce themselves
Below: A question is asked from the floor
There was a discussion of “Ways of Life ” or Rules of Life.
- Rev Peter Grimwood told people a little about the 3rd Order of Franciscans.
- Eleanor Orr told people al little about the Shechem Community.
- George Dow who chaired the session told people a little about the Fivefold Rule of the Iona Community.
Then the meeting divided into 6 groups of 5 for discussion. There were interesting discussions and the results were given to George Dow who will later summarize them and raise key points.
There are no plans for CEL to have a “Rule of Life” yet .
Some newer people wondered what CEL Members “Signed up to” when they joined CEL.
In fact, anyone can join – they do not have to be Christian or Green – but most people joinbecause they supported Christian Ecology Link aims and activities.
One person asked if CEL should have a mission statement or vision statement. Steering Committee did write a vision statement in 2007 But first read CEL’s Aims –
CEL’s Aims are: (As stated on the About Page)
- Offers insights into ecology and the environment to Christian people and churches.
- Offers Christian insights to the Green movement
One lady (RP) suggested that the CEL leaflet “Nine ways to live gently on the earth” are good ideas to have in a rule.
In the Plenary session Tim Cooper told people about the book which had just been launched yesterday: Living Lightly, Living Faithfully Print copies cost £7, electronic copies (in PDF, epub and mobi/Kindle formats) are being given for free. It is edited by Colin bell, Jonathan Chaplin and Robert White. (And includes a chapter by Tim)
Here is a picture of some of the CEL Steering Committee meeting held in the morning.
Next: Just Food – an ecocell workshop, 18th January, 2014, London
Previous: And a little child shall lead them – CEL Weekend Retreat, 18-20 Oct 2013
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