Celandines, Eco-Congregation, Eco Church, Salt and Light, and Christian Unity

celandineSeveral things have come together:

I need a picture for the next GC E-News 29 – So why not one of a celandine

– a humble, but golden shining flower –  coming out soon in the south of England, and in February / March the north of England and Scotland.

that was painted for a book  “Wildflowers of the Ingleton churchyards”

.. a book that was one of that activities that contributed to the second Eco-Congregation Award for Ingleton

along with activities such as

putting temporary double glazing across a church window; organising a service to remember God’s Creation; holding lichen and wildflower workshops/walks.

Churches can be proud of their Eco-Congregation Awards and plaques.

On Tuesday Eco Church will be launched. This  is a new award  for English and Welsh churches, It is based on Eco-Congregation. So from then onwards in Britain there will be


Eco Church (England and Wales)
Eco-Congregation Scotland
Eco Church
Eco-Congregation Ireland

Could your church enter for Eco Church (if you are in England or Wales) or for Eco-Congregation if you are in Scotland or Ireland? There are fun activities to do.

During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we have been thinking about Salt and Light.

“Do not hide your light under a bushel”
“Be the salt of the world.”

(derived from Matthew 5 v 13 and 14)

Download the “Salt of the Earth” pamphlet from CTBI

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016 - Salt of the Earth image

So if your church community has done some things to care for God’s Creation and to look after the environment for future generations – then tell other people and churches about it.. and you can do this by entering for the award.

Here are some more pictures of Ingleton:
Just enjoy the pictures of the launch of the book two years ago here.

Revd Charles Ellis (right) introduces Doris Cairns (far left) and her book at the launch


Looking at the book


In a walk round the churchyard we look at the young Sand Leek.
The blue rope has been positioned to protect it from mowing.


Young Sand Leek


Doris looks at “Cuckoo Pint” from above


Now we are looking at the Cuckoo Pint  from above –
see the Ingleton Viaduct in the background.


Which buttercup is this?
Sepals pointing down – yes it’s Bulbous Buttercup.






Date: 24 January, 2016 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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