Celebrating The (not so) Big One in Truro

By Green Christian member Euan McPhee

On Friday 21 April at noon, a range of Christian organisations gathered at St John’s Church, Waterloo, in London to participate in an act of worship ahead of their pilgrimage to Parliament to join the thousands of voices demanding more action by Government in response to the Climate Crisis. This event was part of The Big One, a peaceful, non-disruptive demonstration organised by Extinction Rebellion over the whole weekend.

Meanwhile, in Truro, a dozen Christians from several traditions gathered in solidarity with the London event at High Cross in front of the Cathedral for their own act of worship. The service was based on the same service material that was being used in London and elsewhere across the country.

Attendees held up placards declaring “Cherish Creation, Cut Carbon, Speak Up”, “Vigil for the Earth” and “No More Fossil Fuels”. The numbers may have been small but the message was important – we need to radically reduce our reliance of fossil fuels towards a target of net zero by 2030. At present, the UK is falling far short of that target.

As one of hymns that we shared stated: “The world is changing fast and warming year by year; a tipping point is close, the time to act is here.” So the message we were sharing with the people of Truro is this: the Churches are aware of the crisis and are committed to addressing it. Creation care is now on the agenda of every Church!



Date: 26 April, 2023 | Category: News | Comments: 0

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