Church called to build a bridge between theology and economics

PRESS RELEASE – for immediate release
The Joy in Enough campaign has challenged Christians to play their part in creating a fair and sustainable economy.

Participants at the Big Workshop day con

ference in Sheffield were presented with the case for change, and the opportunity for the church to be an influence for good.

Economics is too important to leave it to the experts, said speaker Christine Bainbridge. Instead, the church should seek to build a bridge between theology and economics.

A growing number of leaders and institutions are warning that the economy is not serving people or the planet well. (Among the most prominent voices are Pope Francis, or Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF.) Inequality and climate change are two of the most significant symptoms.

The Christian tradition, and the teachings of the Bible, both offer wisdom that can contribute to the debate. Christians see creation as a gift, for example, and understand humanity as embedded in the natural world. These principles should inform our economic decisions, with Christians modelling an alternative way of life, and campaigning for a more fair and sustainable economy.

“It’s tempting to hear the word ‘economics’ and switch off” says Tony Emerson, coordinator of Joy in Enough. “We might think we’re not interested in economics – but then we all have opinions on debt, house prices or working hours, and those are all economics questions! Our faith can guide us as we think about these issues, both in our personal choices, and our wider political life.”

Joy in Enough is a project from the campaign network Green Christian. It is a call to the church to imagine and work towards a new economics. Over the coming months, the campaign will be hosting a wider conversation online, and developing resources to help Christians engage with economics in relevant and practical ways.

Joy in Enough: The Big Workshop was held at Victoria Hall Methodist in Sheffield, on Saturday the 18th of November. For more information see or

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For more information contact Jeremy Williams on 07941 846 416.

Green Christian was formed in 1981 to share green insights with Christians, and Christian insights with the green movement. The charity produces resources, campaigns and events to help people relate environmental issues with their faith, and integrate environmental action into their mission.

Joy in Enough is a challenge to Christians in Britain, and an invitation to all people of good will, to join in building a just economy within the ecological limits of the Earth. The campaign is led by by Green Christian with support from other organisations.



Date: 28 November, 2017 | Category: Media Release | Comments: 0

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