Have fun taking part in Church Wildlife Survey

Church Wildlife Survey

Help us by taking part in this (very simple) – (and lots of fun) church wildlife questionnaire.

By doing this you and your group will

  1.  Learn, and encourage others to learn,  more about wildlife
  2.  Show to others that wildlife is important
  3.  Send in data so we can compare churchyard wildlife round the country.

The questions on the  ECEN church biodiversity questionnaire  (docx file) were written by the Biodiversity Workgroup at the European Christian Environment Network (ECEN) Meeting in August 2012.

We invite you to download one of the above files, and print out the attached sheets (maybe 2 pages, back to back, and stapled), to take it to year church and show it to  groups at your church (Sunday School/ Mothers Union/ Coffee Club / a House Group)

Invite all to take part in the survey.

When you have filled in the survey , then:-

  1.  Have a discussion about it.
  2.  Fill the results in online at www.surveymonkey.com/s/KYQCDFK (We will collate the results.)
  3.  Make a small website or webpage about the wildlife in your churchyard. .. Include a paragraph about what you have learned by carrying out the (simple) survey. I guarantee you will learn something!! What were the advantages and what were the difficulties? Then send us the URL and we will put a link to it.

Annual Mercury in London in Autumn

Even if you only have a small inner city church, there are likely to be weeds on the pavement outside.  (God sees the little sparrow fall..) If you don’t know the names of the weeds ask a local naturalist, or look at www.ispot.org.uk

Click here for Links to churchyard blog sites/webpages sent in by people/groups completing the questionnaire to

We look forward to your results. Please email me if you have any questions, or if you have suggestions about how the questionnaire or process could be improved. – or add them to the comments section below

Yours sincerely
Judith Allinson





Date: 4 August, 2013 | Category: News |Topics: | Comments: 4

Comments on "Have fun taking part in Church Wildlife Survey"

PEW NEWS 7TH APRIL 2013, EASTER 2 | Gerrans Parish news:

April 4, 2013

[...] Jill has received an invitation from CEL for our Church members to take part in a simple churchyard/church ecology survey (a questionnaire that was devised at the European Christian Environment Network in 2012). The questions are very simple. It would be good to involve others, particularly if they live near or overlook the churchyard. https://www.greenchristian.org.uk/archives/4999) [...]

PEW NEWS 31ST MARCH 2013, EASTER SUNDAY | Gerrans Parish news:

March 29, 2013

[...] Jill has received an invitation from CEL for our Church members to take part in a simple churchyard/church ecology survey (a questionnaire that was devised at the European Christian Environment Network in 2012). The questions are very simple. It would be good to involve others, particularly if they live near or overlook the churchyard. https://www.greenchristian.org.uk/archives/4999) [...]

PEW NEWS MARCH 24TH 2013, PALM SUNDAY | Gerrans Parish news:

March 22, 2013

[...] https://www.greenchristian.org.uk/archives/4999) [...]

Gerrans Parish news:

March 15, 2013

[...] https://www.greenchristian.org.uk/archives/4999) [...]

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