Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability

Our summary of the latest IPCC report

‘Any further delay in concerted global action will miss the brief, rapidly closing window in which to secure a liveable future.’

Hans-Otto Pörtner, a co-chair of working group II of the IPCC

The desperate situation in which we find ourselves and the rest of God’s world is shown by the fact that this statement in the IPCC’s most recent report got through the stringent approval process of the IPCC.

Some other quotes taken from the launch, which you can watch here, presented on Monday 28 February.

Today’s IPCC report is … a damning indictment of failed climate leadership…This abdication of leadership is criminal…now is the time to turn rage into action.’ Antonio Guterras, UN Sec General, whose speech starts at 12 mins into the launch video.

Some natural solutions will no longer work above 1.5 degrees warming.’ Debra Roberts, co-chair, WG II, IPCC

Climate change isn’t lurking around the corner waiting to pounce, it is already upon us, raining down blows on billions of people,’ Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UNEP

A difficult reality, but action is possible and we need to do it now.’ Debra Roberts

The world has a limited time window available to move on the right track…we see currently an inertia in implementation…What is also important is to improve the understanding of how life best functions on this planet…Natural laws that should not be broken in similar ways as we do not cross red traffic lights.’ Hans-Otto Portner

‘Any compromise with respect to other sectors…should have the long term implications in mind…any decisions to be made during this crucial decade in climate policy are important for our long term fate and for the sustainability of life on this planet.’ Hans-Otto Portner

The presentation ended with a poignant:

It’s over to you now.’

See analysis at Carbon Brief, which quotes a member of the Ukrainian delegation saying: “we will not surrender in Ukraine and we hope the world will not surrender in building a climate resilient future”.

So what do we do? Please join us on our journey, grappling with what God might be calling us to at this time.



Date: 28 February, 2022 | Category: News | Comments: 3

Comments on "Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability"

Charles Croydon:

February 28, 2022

I have posted into CELINK that as some people might find the full 3,675 page report too long to read they may want read less less such as :-Summary for Policymakers (approved version) Headline Statements Technical Summary Frequently Asked Questions Fact sheets Global to Regional Atlas Press conference presentation in high resolution and low resolutionfrom the link

Dr G Wilkinson:

February 28, 2022

Sadly political short termism, vested interests in "business as usual" and denialism seem to leave heads in the sand until it's too late to act. What will it take for people to wake up?

Dr. Christina Nellist:

February 28, 2022

Nothing we didn't know - nothing the governments don't know - so the question that begs asking is why so little is being done - and the answer to that we all know - vested interests and short term thinking - exactly what put us here in the first place!

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