Climate Justice: Following Jesus in a World of Climate Breakdown

New! A six part teaching series on YouTube and podcast

It’s getting harder and harder to find resources that are both truthful and hopeful. This latest offering from Alice Brencher and Revd Jon Swales “gets it” on the climate and ecological emergency and doesn’t leave us in despair.

Initially put together for Niagara School of Missional Leadership, this series deals with the big questions of climate and ecological breakdown in an honest and faith-filled way. You couldn’t call it a Bible study, but the Christian faith and what that calls us to is both the basis and the fabric of the course, with Jon’s powerful prayers holding it all together.

The sessions are:

  1. Climate justice – the story we find ourselves in
  2. Climate justice – just Jesus – enacting the kingdom in a world of climate injustice
  3. Climate justice – discipleship – re-evaluating what we prize
  4. Protest and activism – driving a spoke into the wheel of climate injustice
  5. Lament – a spiritual resource for a hurting world
  6. Cruciform adaptation – living faithfully and dying well

The course can be used in many ways

  • Listen to it while getting in those 10k steps (that’s what I did)
  • Watch at home with a few friends, chatting about it at various points over tea and cake or glass of wine
  • Suggest it to your church home groups
  • Think of something else!

Do watch or listen – we can’t recommend it enough.

You can find the podcasts here. And the videos below:



Author: Ruth Jarman | Date: 29 April, 2023 | Category: Bible Studies Climate Emergency | Comments: 0

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