Climate walk with Salford MP: Stations of the Park
In October 2016 many groups held events to raise awareness on climate change, and to tell our MPs that we need to act now, for the sake of future generations,
to prevent global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees
to prevent increasing storms and droughts and flooding
Sandra Dutson writes:
In Salford, a group of about 40 people from a diverse range of groups, church, political, environmental and local organisations met with our MP, Rebecca Long-Bailey, and then went for walk in local park finishing at a local church.
Here there were refreshments, excerpts from a DVD made at the mass lobby over a year ago, speeches from our MP, the Bishop of Salford and the Green Party candidate for the Greater Manchester mayoral election.
We then wrote on cards shaped as leaves and hearts one ‘ask’ for the MP and one pledge to action for ourselves.
During the walk we paused for short excerpts from ‘Laudato Si, – thePope’s encyclical, drawing out simple key points about what we were seeing.
Both CAFOD and Christian Aid were involved in organising this event. One of the aims was to underline the devastating effects of climate change on the poorest people of the world, a point emphasised by both the MP and the Bishop. The photos are by Andy Salmon
“We need to strengthen the conviction that we are one single human family. There are no frontiers or barriers, political or social, behind which we can hide, still less is there room for the globalization of indifference”
.“Stations in Park”:
- Pause part-way down tree lined walk (not v far from entrance), ask people to look around at the beauty of the trees, greenery, etc and read #138:“Ecology studies the relationship between living organisms and the environment in which they develop….it cannot be emphasized enough how everything is interconnected”.
- Pause near the allotments, with view of croquet club house; v brief explanation of allotments, involvement of group working with those with mental health problems, amongst others, and the presence of the club-house where the oldest member is 92. Read #244:Let us sing as we go.” May our struggles and our concern for this planet never take away the joy of hope.”
- Gather on path near to children’s play area. Reader reminds us briefly of the pleasure many children take in using this, but that we need to also reflect on those children who have so little, at least materially, and about what the future holds for children – both here and in the poorest parts of the world if the effects of climate change are not halted. Read #160:“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are growing up now? The issue is one which dramatically affects us, for it has to do with the ultimate meaning of our earthly sojourn”.
- Walk up past old house and towards Eccles Old Road, and pause where paths meet to look at the view across to Trafford Park, the Quays and beyond. Reader reminds people that, some years ago but maybe in their lifetime, that view could not be seen due to the smog/pollution in the atmosphere, and although there are concerns re air quality today it was possible to make changes then. Read #23:“The Climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all”.
- We walk onto Eccles Old Road and pause near the bus stop at a ‘cross roads’, both real and in life of planet. Reader reminds us of the Booth Charity building housing Age UK behind us, the nursery opposite (Kids Planet with logo of children right round a globe) and the Women’s Centre behind Mt Chapel – people of all ages are affected by climate change throughout the world. We also reflect on and are grateful for the good, reliable transport links we have here, frequent buses, cycle lanes and pedestrian phases at lights.Read #25: “Climate Change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social economic, political and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.”
Why not organise a “Stations of the Park” near you?
Why not write to your MP – maybe ask why we do not have a law saying that all new build houses should have solar water panels built in? See this letter for ideas
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