‘Joy in Enough’ Conference, Birmingham March 2014
To tweet the Joy In Enough conference: #jie_
Joy In Enough project: home page
Reports on Green Christian’s Day Conference,
Carrs Lane URC Centre, Birmingham B4 7SX, 11am to 5pm, Saturday 29 March, 2014
Keynote speaker: Dan O’Neill Lecturer in ecological economics at the University of Leeds; chief economist at the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE); and co-author of Enough is Enough.
Economic growth has turned toxic – but there really is an alternative. And God’s people are called to the cutting edge of change. What might a genuinely sustainable economy look like? And how can the churches make it happen? At the conference we made some initial steps on the journey to a happier, healthier, and holier world.
- Introduction to the Joy in Enough Project, and links to the five working groups
- Press Release on the Joy in Enough Conference of 29 March 2014 at Birmingham – issued 31 March
- Conference flyer
- Opening Meditation by Mary Grey
- Keynote Presentation by Dan O’Neill
- Workshop 1: Considering the Palm Oil Industry, Report
- Workshop 2: Financial and Industrial Policy, Report
- Workshop 3: Case Study – the Local Authority needs a new CEO, Report
- Workshop 4: The Rich Man’s Challenge, Report
- Learning from the conference, esp. WG1 by Phil Kingston
- Closing Reflection by Peter Grimwood
- An oasis of flowers – 35 wildflowers in flower in Birmingham car park edge -next to the JiE conference centre – and it’s still only March
Next: CEL Retreat, Noddfa, N Wales 7-9 Nov 2014 : ‘Joy in Enough’
Previous: Just Food – an ecocell workshop, 18th January, 2014, London
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