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Green Christian

Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times


Related Christian Organisations

Operation Noah
Eco Church (England and Wales)
Eco-Congregation (Scotland and Eire)
The John Ray Initiative
A Rocha UK
Christian Aid
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland,
Conference of European Churches,
Environmental Issues Network,
European Christian Environment Network,
Churches in Transition
National Justice and Peace Network
World Council of Churches

Some of Keith Innes’ writings appears on this website: the Creation Tide Liturgies which form part of the Worship Materials  and also the Lectionary, Green Pointers for Preachers, more of Keith’s work can be found on his own website:

Engaging the Powers was compiled by Hamish Preston a retired school inspector and member of a church in Reading. It is a very useful and novel type of ‘electronic library’ of literature relevant to nearly all areas of the work of Green Christian and the Joy in Enough programme.
Hamish’s aim is to answer the question: ‘What is the main thrust of the author’s argument?’ Hamish says ‘I seek to convey this using the author’s own words and backing it up with some, but not all, of the data the author uses to substantiate his/her case. I am usually able to reduce a text to about one-fifth of its original length.’