Creation Time 2018: 1 Sept- 4 Oct

It is not long till  “Creation time” or “Creation-tide” – (1 Sept to 4 Oct) – a period of the year to think of the environment.. so now is the time to start planning for this.

This year Christian leaders signed a joint statement of support for the Season of Creation.  This represents the first joint statement of support for the season reaching across denominations

Feel free to use this material or other material of your choice to celebrate

EcoCongregation Scotland has produced material for 2018 here:  Thanks to EcoCongregation Scotland for much of the material on this post.  They have taken the theme:  “Passing our Planet on: God’s gift to us

Week 1 and good introduction to Creation-time and resources :  Passing on the Gift of Integrity
Week 2: Passing on the gift of hope 
 Week 3: Passing on the gift of wisdom
Week 4: Passing on the gift of hope

In 2015 Pope Francis established September 1st as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, encouraging the Catholic community around the world to pray for our common home. Now, for its fourth year, the aid agency, CAFOD, provides resources to support this day at:
The Columban Missionaries also offer a range of resources at:

The justice and Peace newsletter of the Lancaster Catholic Diocese includes:

Following the example of the Orthodox Church, in 2015 Pope Francis declared September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. According to Pope Francis, “This offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvellous works that He has entrusted to our care, invoking his help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live.

The Bishops of England and Wales will be launching the film and course “Global Healing” (now available at ) to help individuals, families, parishes and diocese make a practical response to our care of creation.  The new course to explore ways we can help protect our planet, Global Healing is a response to Laudato Si ‘ and is also drawn from the work of CAFOD and its experience and understanding of Climate Change in the Global South where the damage is greatest among the poorest people of our planet who have done least to cause it. 
For more information see:

Other resources to celebrate Creation Day and Creation Time (1st September -4th October feast of St Francis) can be found at : . The Liverpool Archdiocese J&P Commission together with CAFOD Liverpool has prepared Creation Time resources for 2016 and 2017 containing  praying with the gospels, stories from our time and Laudato Si’ .   The 2018 resource will be ready in the late Summer. This will then provide a complete course for the three years of the Church’s liturgical cycle.  Download at


See the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland 2018 Creation webpage

. A search for “Creation Time” on this website will give material from previous years.




Date: 12 July, 2018 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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