Do something wild each day in June
Can you do it?
Can you make a resolution to go and do something outside every day in June?
See your web editors blog as she finds something new to do outside each day
This is a splendid idea encouraged by the Wildlife Trusts –
Maybe try something different each day
– from an early morning meditation or dawn chorus walk to an evening stroll
– from joining in a litter pick to weeding a friend’s garden
From making a list of wildflowers in the nearest patch of wasteland to sketching the view
From reading a magazine on a park bench to — well you name it.
Never give up! Keep on doing something outside each day.
Help young and old people explore the countryside. Take them on a short walk. They may feel unsteady by themselves.
Help people explore nature in the city streets and parks.
If you’re young – ask old people to tell you their stories whilst they are still alive to tell you.
Make that extra effort – don’t let bad weather, inertia, shyness, laziness deter you. There is a wonderful world to share.
See what I wrote two years ago
Explore it in June. Do something wild every day in June.
Tell us what you do. Keep a diary
Let’s think what Jesus did in the wild ..
He spent 40 days “In the wilderness” getting his thoughts sorted out.
He went on a mountain top to pray.
He walked through the cornfields with his disciples and they ate grains of corn. (On the Sabbath!!)
Water:- He used a boat to escape from the crowds. On another occasion he slept confidently on a boat tossed in the sea whilst a storm raged..
He considered the birds and the lilies..
Here are some musings…
Jesus and his friends lived much closer to nature than us.. .. so maybe they took it for granted.
There are now 40 times as many people in the world as when Jesus was alive, and soon there will be 50 times as many, meaning there is less nature available per head of population, and less space for wild animals to live.
World population (estimates)
0 AD (Jesus was born) – 200 million
1703 AD John Wesley was born 600 million
1740 -1860 Industrial Revolution
1791 AD John Wesley died 800 million
1950 2,557 million
2000 6,100 million
2018 AD 7,625 million – this link gives the current total and lots of other statistics
2023 8000 million
2050 10,000 million
Next: Report on the Cambridge GC on the Road Together event on 2 June 2018
Previous: Season of Creation – Creation-time-1 Sep- 4 Oct – What will you do in your church?
Comments on "Do something wild each day in June"
Deborah Tomkins:
I’m inspired to give this a go! I already walk my dog every day and try to pick up litter as I go, but I’m going to try to do something extra. Thanks for the post.
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