ecocell Additional Materials
Prayers, meditations and useful links, together with facilitator notes will be added as they become available.
There are also some very useful Thought for the Week contributions
Prayers and Meditations
- Light One Candle (rtf file), plus some Responses to Light One Candle
- Members reflections Some Reflections From Members, plus Light One Candle a further thought
- A prayer by Edward P. Echlin Lenten Prayer
- A prayer by Chris Polhill God our Creator and Healer
- A prayer chosen by Edward P. Echlin for July July Prayer
- A prayer chosen by Edward P. Echlin for August August Prayer
- A prayer chosen by Edward P. Echlin for September September Prayer
- A prayer chosen by Edward P. Echlin for October October Prayer
- A prayer chosen by Edward P. Echlin for November November Prayer
- A prayer chosen by Edward P. Echlin for December December Prayer
- A prayer chosen by Edward P. Echlin for January 2012 January Prayer
- Lucinda has chosen some lovely words by Thomas Traherne: Seeing the world aright
- A prayer by Edward P. Echlin for April and Easter Week Easter Prayer
- A prayer used at the Noddfa retreat October 2012 Alternative Version of the Lord’s Prayer
- A poem by Chris Walton: Dust and Breath
- Poems by Ann R Parker: The Market Gardener and Awaiting Official Notification
- A poem by Sandra Dutson: The Bus Station
- A poem by Audrey Bryant: Bees
- Poems by Westley Ingram inspired by his visits to two Franciscan centres at Hilfield and Canterbury: Brother Bee and Monday Morning
- A poem by Chris Polhill: Questions (To fly or not to fly?)
- A poem for autumn by Audrey Bryant: Autumn and Economics
- A poem by Chris Walton: Closed System
- Two poems by Anne Boileau: I Asked the Grown-Ups, base on an early childhood memory when Ann lived on a small farm; Shoal Moon reminding us of just how plentiful fish were in the nineteenth century. Ann is currently Chairman of the Suffolk Poetry Society who are always happy to welcome new members. They have a lively programme for this their Diamond Jubilee Year
- A poem for Ash Wedneday by Malcolm Guite, recommended by Margaret Roberts.
- A poem by Ann R Parker: Psalm of Rain
- Another poem by Ann R Parker, about wind turbines: Offshore – Winds Light to Variable
- On the same theme, a poem/song by George Dow: Wind Turbine Love Song
Reflections and Challenges
- From Phil Kingston who took up the challenge of speaking on stage, in a Bristol theatre to about 250, 20 to 30 year olds
- Why We Need Ecocell taken from ecocell 2 Core Module page 6
- Some bible studies from GC’s Storm of Hope Publication, Feb 2011
- Hope without Denial an Eco-theological Contribution to ‘Motivational and Behavioural Change’ in Zerocarbonbritain2030 from the Centre for Alternative Technology. by Edward P. Echlin
- See, Grieve, Hope and Act from Green Christian Magazine 65, Summer 2008: page 1 and page 2
- Thought for the Week 5th June 2011 by Westley Ingram
- A challenge from Phil Kingston on using our savings: Savings Dilemma and some responses
- September 2011, Tony Emerson: Thoughts on Progress
- October 2011, Tony Emerson with some inspiration from George Dow: Out of Place
- November 2011, Some questions from Tony Emerson with answer from Edward Echlin: Q & A
- An Encouraging Story from Tony Emerson
- Tony Emerson asks, how do we explain our journey? Some Responses
- GC’s Chaplain Chris Walton asks us to reflect on the Prophetic Discipleship of our ecocell journey
- George Dow reflects on the beauty around him and suggests A Holiday at Home
- Ann Parker reflects on a wood carving for Ash Wednesday 2013 A New Gethsemane
- Extract from the book Consumer Detox
- Attributed to all those old enough to remember We didn’t have the Green Thing
- An inspirational tale An Encounter with Bees from Ringsfield Hall
- The Carbon Footprint of Some Foodstuffs created by Tim Suiter using information from Tim Berners Lee’s book How Bad are Bananas. Food Footprint Cards and Presentation with Answers. Cut out the Food Footprint cards and give out a set to each pair of participants to put in order. Later give them the set of carbon equivalent values, they should usefully be told the vine tomatoes are produced in March.
Facilitator Documents