Fossil Free Nativity Play -14 Dec
And can it be… A Fossil Free C of E?
Inspired by the excellent work of Operation Noah’s Bright Now campaign and‘s Fossil Free movement and in celebration of the Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group’s (EIAG) consideration of disinvesting Church money from Fossil Fuel companies a mixed bag of players (with some familiar CEL faces) will be performing a Fossil Free Nativity Play in front of St Paul’s Cathedral at 2pm on Saturday 14th December. Our friends from the SPEAK network are instigating an Angel Flashmob immediately before us at 1pm.
The nation is sore and wildly oppressed. Governed by cruel masters who serve faceless foreign powers. They look to their religion for some direction but there is little coming. All hope is not lost however. A star in the East? The sound of Angels singing? The promise of a new King? A new just government? Peace on Earth? Emmanuel? It seems there is not so much new under the Sun after all. The Fossil Fuel Nativity is a pretty regular Nativity play but with a few twists. Our Wise Ones come from East Anglia, Joseph fits Solar Panels and the Angel Gabriel uses public transport.
Feel very free to come along. You can join in our Fossil Free Christmas Carols. You can cheer and boo as you see fit. You can even play a part if you are lucky (and a little early). For information contact
If you cannot make it then please consider filling in the EIAG survey as they try to work out how people feel about fossil fuel divestment . You may want to use the comment boxes as some of the questions are a little tricky.
Next: Church of England produces biased survey on fossil fuel disinvestment
Previous: Have an ALTER nativity
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