GC Gathering Ringsfield June 9-11

June 9-11 2017image003

“Learning to Live in Earth as our Common Home:

Teilhard de Chardin and ecological living as spiritual life.”

at Ringsfield Hall, Suffolk


The Gathering

Join us for a Green Christian weekend of companionship, stimulating talks, discussion, prayer and good food at Ringsfield EcoActivity Centre, Beccles, Suffolk. Paul Maiteny, an ecologist, anthropologist and transpersonal psychotherapist from The British Teilhard Association will lead the weekend with Chris Walton.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, one of the pioneers of eco-faith, began exploring God’s purposes for the earth and for humanity nearly a century ago. Our world may seem very different today, but in many ways his mystical message of hope is only now coming into its own. It holds both challenge and promise for anyone who cares for the Earth in the 21st century.

The weekend will start on Friday evening with the evening meal at around 6.30pm.  Further details


Please fill in the   booking-form and send to chrisclownwalton@gmail.com or Green Christian Gathering, 59 Hill Road, Glapwell, Chesterfield S44 5LX, or phone Chris on 07881941296

Ringsfield EcoActivity Centre

Ringsfield hosts groups of all ages though our work focuses on children and young people with school trips during the week and church, family and faith groups at the weekend. We offer very many ecological and outdoor education programmes all of which are taught and experienced entirely outside. The grounds will be a part of the retreat. We aim to offer Creativity, Motivation, Inspiration and Spirituality.

Brochures are available and you can visit: www.ringsfield-hall.co.uk

The House

The House does have rooms with bunk beds, but also many twin rooms.

Community, good food (we are passionate about LOAF principles) and warmth always contribute to a successful gathering and those who know us will know Ringsfield provides just that.

Part of the being a community when you stay here is to do the washing up together after meals. All bedding is provided, but we do ask you to bring towels and soap etc.

Arrival and Departure

We look forward to welcoming you any time after 4pm on the Friday and the end of the weekend is the lunch on Sunday.

We can provide directions for those travelling by car (please ask, or look on the Ringsfield website).  If you let us know your time of arrival at Beccles train or bus stations we can arrange transport to Ringsfield. It is possible to walk the three miles from the station. Just let us know and we’ll send you directions.


Download  booking-form

Download the information on this page as a word document




Date: 23 February, 2017 | Category: News | Comments: 0

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