Global Justice Now talk at Settle

Some of our Aid money is being used for environmentally bad projects. This could increase if DfID (The Department of International Development ) which deals with overseas aid, is merged with FCO (the Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
Since the 2016 Referendum, the UK government has pursued an increasingly financialised, private sector mode of international development under the Global Britain agenda. This trend looks set to continue under a new Conservative majority government proposing to dissolve DfID into the Foreign Office, suggesting that aid money will be used to facilitate sweetheart post-Brexit trade deals rather than going to the most marginalised communities.
Daniel Willis, Policy & Campaigns Manager at Global Justice Now, will discuss whether the government’s “Global Britain” agenda is taking us back to the bad old days of “tied aid”. Whether the proposed DfID merger goes ahead or not, this agenda continues to have a negative impact on inequality, the environment and public services around the world. Daniel will discuss what we must do to oppose this and how to propose alternatives for what a more radical, just version of international development might look like.
Settle Friends Meeting House, Kirkgate, Settle BD24 9DX 7 pm for coffee for 7.30pm for the talk
See Daniel’s ideas at
More on Settle Justice and Peace group at:
Global Justice Now has produced a booklet entitled ‘re-imagining UK aid’
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