Golden Leaves – new hymn

(See Hymn Index for other green hymns on this website, available for use in church services)

Tune: Song 46, Orlando Gibbons

1. Dropped golden leaves
all glowing from the ground.
Upon the tree
you were once the crown.

2 Fly, fly dear birds
as you must needs migrate,
yet come back safe
once more to procreate.

3 Weep, weep you clouds
with rain to fill the lakes,
yet not our homes
to flood, with us displaced.

4 Blow gently winds
to cleanse the air for breath,
but not too fierce
lest storms cause loss and death.

5 Come close dear God
embark within the boat,
keep migrants safe
from harm, their craft afloat.

6 We fallen souls
who’ve spoiled the sea and air
must turn around,
the harm we’ve done repair.

7 Encourage us
who surely have enough,
to share with those
for whom these times are tough.

8 May we be held
with all that you have made,
at one in Christ
with creatures all arrayed.

Author: Lisle Ryder



Date: 19 November, 2021 | Category: Hymns | Comments: 0

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