Green Christian at the Christian Resources Exhibition
Green Christian shared a stall with Operation Noah at the Christian Resources Exhibition in October 2022.
Our overall aim was to help people to ‘get’ the Christian responsibility for caring for creation, to see it as an important part of the mission of the church. We had many lively discussions and gave out many of our leaflets.
We engaged passers-by by asking them to vote for their favourite reason to care for creation, giving them a bottle top and pointing them to a row of jars to make their choice. Yes these are all bible verses! That’s the point!
‘What is your favourite reason to care for Creation?’
- God created the heavens and the earth
- The Earth is the Lord’s
- All things have been created through him and for him
- The LORD God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it
- Love your neighbour as yourself
- Well done, good and faithful servant
235 people engaged with this activity and we hope they will all have moved further along in their understanding of our responsibilities as Christians.
We also had an excellent seminar – Green Christian: our calling to care for creation – run by Green Christian member Judith Russenberger.
Find out more about running a Green Christian stall at your event.
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