Green Christian is hiring!
Green Christian is hiring! We have two exciting part-time opportunities – Churches Project Officer and Food Project Officer – to help us promote prayer, hope and action at this time of crisis for creation.
These are UK-based part-time roles, initially for 3 hours / 3.5 hours per week, and for one year, with the possibility of extension.
Closing date for applications for both roles is: Monday 20 November (11.00pm).
Zoom Interviews will take place the week commencing 27 November.
The contracts will begin in January.
Do apply for both jobs should you be interested in both!
To apply please email by 11pm on Monday 20 November with your CV and a cover letter.
- Churches Project Officer
Job purpose
The aim of your role would be to deepen ecological discipleship within churches, using the church setting as an opportunity to reach people and help Christians understand and act on our calling to safeguard creation.
We are looking for someone who can communicate well and be able to talk, engage and inspire people. You would have to be able to organise your own time, work well within a team and be willing to travel, perhaps once a month, to speak at Sunday services.
This new role will complement the great work being done by A Rocha with Eco Church and CAFOD with Live Simply.
Salary and hours
The salary is £12.50 per hour. This is a part-time role, initially for three hours per week. Work will take place from your home and on Zoom. Some occasional travel will be required, for which expenses will be paid.
See our Churches Project Officer full job description here.
- Food Project Officer
For many years Green Christian has advocated the consumption of sustainable food, framing this work around principles known as LOAF: Locally produced, Organically grown, Animal friendly and Fairly traded.
Progress towards sustainable food and farming in the UK has been limited. There’s little evidence to suggest that Christians or church-based organisations have adopted attitudes and behaviour that differ markedly from the general population. We believe that by encouraging sustainable food and farming practices we would enable God’s creation to flourish. Our Food Project was recently established to –
- Review Green Christian’s current food and farming activities and resources.
- Increase public awareness and understanding of Christian attitudes to food and farming.
- Campaign nationally and locally for sustainable food and farming.
- Assess the need for funding to develop a three year Green Christian initiative on sustainable food and farming based on the above activities and clearly defined aims.
Job purpose
The aim of this role is to enable Green Christian to develop activities aimed at sustainable food and farming. You will help us to critically review our current activity and resources in this area, increase public awareness and understanding of Christian attitudes to food and farming, engage with relevant organisations, and contribute to campaign activity.
Salary and hours
The salary is £12.50 per hour. This is a part-time role, initially for 3.5 hours per week. The Food Project Officer will be an employee of Green Christian and the post is for one year initially, with the possibility of extension. Work will take place from your home and on Zoom. Some occasional travel may be required, for which expenses will be paid.
See the Food Project Officer job description here
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Comments on "Green Christian is hiring!"
Akaahan Paul Tergema:
Can we have such great innovation here in Nigeria.
Ruth Jarman:
Hi Fambai, I am sorry the posts are in the UK only - thanks for asking though!
Fambai Langton Shasha:
Can I work from Zimbabwe.
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