Green Christian members take part in Extinction Rebellion

A number of Green Christian members are taking part in the Extinction Rebellion (XR) going on in London, Cardiff and Manchester at the moment. Green Christian members are among those protesting with the Christian arm of XR, Christian Climate Action, they have been participating in prayer vigils, marches as well as acts of civil disobedience.

Green Christian member, Liz Dunbar, who joined the vigil in Cardiff, said, ‘I can’t think of a better way to put my faith into action, than demonstrate publicly my beliefs and grief about the climate and ecological crisis through direct action. I might have written to my MP from home and signed a petition but then love being able to follow Jesus’ example and also take it onto the streets!’

Some Green Christian members were also arrested while peacefully sitting and praying in the road in Parliament Square.

Revd Sue Parfitt, right, said, ‘I am breaking the law in order to get the government to keep the law. At the moment it is in breach of its legal obligations under the Paris Agreement. I also do this because I am first of all committed to keeping Gods law which is to do all I can to protect his creation.’

Extinction Rebellion is calling for the immediate debate and adoption of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.

Read Christian Climate Action’s press release here.

And an article in the Church Times.



Author: Ruth Jarman | Date: 7 September, 2020 | Category: Action Climate Emergency Opinion | Comments: 4

Comments on "Green Christian members take part in Extinction Rebellion"

Paul Strickland:

September 8, 2020

I certainly wouldn't advocate breaking the law, but there are good precedents, including Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refusing to bow down to the idol, and even arguably Jesus himself; Peter said, we should obey God rather than man.

Mr Gordon Wratten:

September 8, 2020

Answer to your question is no. However Extinction Rebellion did break the law. Obtructing the Queen’s highway is an offence under the 1980 Highways Act. Is it the intention of the Catholic Church to actively support a group whose aims are for the destruction of capitalism and general anarchy? None of us would be better off if that happened. I think that you should be sensible and walk away from attachment to this group. The Government are considering whether to classify them as organised crime.

P. Wickes:

September 8, 2020

Every 'good cause' is likely to be infiltrated by the socialist workers, anarchists etc. Does that mean one can't join anything? Including the Conservative Party infiltrated by the far right?

Mr Gordon Wratten:

September 7, 2020

You will note that Extinction rebellion broke the law (despite previous comments to the contrary) and their strategy in blocking the delivery of newspapers will not endear them to Fleet Street. They have now been infiltrated by Communists and the Socialist workers Union. Do you really want the Catholic church to be involved with a left wing group whose main aims are the destruction of caplitalism which would lead to anarchy? The Charity Commissioners will not be pleased to hear that you are now involved in criminal actions which are contrary to your stated aims.

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