Green Lent – Local Activities
Many people do special things for Lent. See what some GC members have written:
1. LC: Given up drinking anything except tap water.
2. SW: – Litter picking locally
I don’t live anywhere near a beach, but have spotted a good `Lent project` near my local station on some spare ground. It is littered with bottles and throw away cans etc. I thought I would go and clear it up and make a notice to put up near it encouraging folk to keep it nice! How encouraging to know we are all `out there` doing our bit as opportunity invites! SW
3. John Barnett: – Litter – and Encouraging others
Having spent this morning with a group cleaning up a local park, I found the “Fruitfulness on the Frontline” videos really encouraging. More and more I am coming to see that anything that enriches the lives of others and makes the world a better place is Kingdom work.
As a preacher, I know how easy it is to make congregations feel guilty, spiritually beating them over the head with all the things they really ought to be doing for Christ. Increasingly now I find myself affirming all the things they are already doing, and helping them to see that they may well be doing a lot more than they thought. JB
5. JA: – No new food (- reduce waste- and reflect on outcomes)
“Resolution: Buy no new food ingredients for home during Lent
See how I got on – and some interesting things I discovered
I waste food. – I succumb to “Sell by date food” offers. – I have jars of three year old chutney in the house.
Lent 2017: ” I Resolve to buy no more food for the house – – at least not until I have eaten everything.”
1. To clear out new, and ancient food in my house.
2. To remove the temptation of buying more food than I need, or indeed, can eat. .. the temptation of “Sell by date” bargains that have thwarted my attempts at Slimming World since January.
3. To see what I learn… And I have learnt a lot – See here
6. SW – Made a leaflet to give out at church: Ideas-for-Living-Out-our-Lenten-Journey
Next: Stopped flying? Take this survey!
Previous: GC Gathering, June 9-11 2017, Programme
Comments on "Green Lent – Local Activities"
My daughter and I are eating (and drinking) only UK produced/grown's not easy, but we are learning a lot.
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