Greenbelt 2015

Clare Redfern helped at the Green Christian Stall at Greenbelt and writes:

Greenbelt was the usual mix of damp socks, strange food and an astonishing array of talks, exhibitions, workshops and drama.

There were the usual unexpected encounters with old friends and also the chance to get to know new people – especially on the Green Christian/Environmental organisations stall.greenbelt

David Beattie sported a different T-shirt each day representing Green Christian, A Rocha and Cafod – impressive!  I also met Lucinda Smyth, Diane Harrison, Jan and John Corrie, Alex Mabbs and Lynne and Gordon Blair from Lancaster (and others whose names I have forgotten.) Ruth Jarman organised the rota for looking after the stall.

Rachel Hodgson from the Xistence project was there and many younger folk (20s and 30s) spoke with her about the project. Simon court helped with this.

As the Sunday address was given by Brother Sam from Hilfield Friary and other Hilfield staff led the prayers and readings, this seemed to encourage more people to come and look at leaflets and ask questions.  Certainly it was busy and there were some interesting conversations.

When not on the stall, there was a great mix of things to do. The theme was The Bright
, (based on the R.S. Thomas poem) and the highlight for me was poet  Malcolm Guite talking about this poem and others, which highlight those glimpses of the divine all around us, ‘the lit bush’ so easily missed if we don’t ‘turn aside’ making space in our busy lives to notice.

So I wandered around, turning aside for:

  • Giles Fraser on brokenness and community;
  • Beatboxing impresario Schlomo;
  • folk band Harry Bird and the Rubber Wellies;
  • Blake poems rap-style;
  • an inspiring talk on guerilla gardening;
  • meditation with the Corrymeela community and
  • willow-weaving with Ruth Jarman’s Sophie and Tom and their friend, Michaela.

More overtly green talks were

Christian Aid’s workshop on their campaign “The Big Shift” which is challenging the government to end all coal subsidies and imports by 2023, a start to complete fossil-free UK; Michael Northcott on Re-earthing Britain and Noel Moules on Christian Animism though I didn’t manage to get to these last two.

A great weekend!



You can download talks etc at Greenbelt 2015 here:

Reports of Green Christian / Christian Ecology Link  Activities at previous Greenbelts:

Greenbelt 2014 by David Beattie  and Ruth Jarman – busking
Greenbelt 2013 – by Ruth Jarman
Greenbelt 2012 – by Ruth Jarman
Greenbelt 2011 – by Martin Davis

Greenbelt 2011: Prayers written by some of the participants 
Greenbelt 2011: Three humorous sketches from Greenbelt 2011 by Westley Ingram

And from our archives..
Greenbelt 2010
Greenbelt 2009
Greenbelt 2008 -by Judith Allinson
Greenbelt 2007 Greenbelt 2004




Date: 7 September, 2015 | Category: Events Reports | Comments: 0

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