Greenbelt 2017

Judith Allinson writes:

Greenbelt 2017 provided wonderful weather; There was excellent wheelchair access for people, and we enjoyed seeing people trundle past on the laid down pathway in their wheelchairs. (The grass may have been more bumpy)

Greenbelt 2017

Green Christian ran our stall with Operation Noah which worked well. It was a good position because many people walked passed it going from one half of the “Show ground” to the other. Our neighbour in our shared stall was Pregnancy Twinning.  All three of us had vertical pop up banners which looked good, stood up well due to lack of wind and rain, and indeed provided a welcome sunshade. Not often you say that at festivals!

A big thank you to Clare Redfern (from Green Christian) who did much of the GC organising, to the GC volunteers, and to James Buchanan or Operation Noah and the ON volunteers.

This year I hired a tent from Camplight which worked well, and was reasonably priced.  (They collect abandoned tents and even sleeping bags from other festivals and set them up for you). As a person coming by one’s-self it was reassuring to come and have one’s own tent already set up waiting for me..  with my name written on it. (When booking you could choose to be in a quiet area or with the type of people you preferred). The Camplight people even welcomed my with a cup of tea.

(The tent was a lot smaller than the one I brought myself last year.. but it saved all the trouble walking and carrying a heavy tent from the car park.)

Over 70 people signed up to received Green Christian E-News. It was good meeting many old friends, and making new ones. We heard some excellent talks.

I’ll add more to this post later. – And we’d be pleased to hear from you in the comments section below

Meanwhile a few pictures











Date: 29 September, 2017 | Category: Green Christian Events News | Comments: 0

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