Greenbelt: Can you help?


Once again, CEL will be at Greenbelt this year. Believe it or not, we will be the only environmental organisation exhibiting in the G Source tent – such a contrast from recent years when we collaborated with several others.

So it’s even more important than usual this year that CEL is there to keep the ‘green’ in Greenbelt – though filling the rota will be more of a challenge.

Could you spare us some time to help staff it? We aim to have two CEL members on at the same time.

You can sign up for just one two-hour slot, but if you can spare more it would be a great help – we may be able to let you have a free ticket. We have a free day or weekend ticket for someone who can offer a substantial amount of time.

No commitment would be implied, but could you please let Paul Bodenham know:

a.. if you think you’ll be able to help
b.. if you know, which days or times of day would probably be best for you
c.. if you’d like to be considered for a free ticket (day or weekend).

Email Thanks.



Date: 26 June, 2013 | Category: News |Topics: | Comments: 2

Comments on "Greenbelt: Can you help?"


September 26, 2013

We are working with the Student Christian Movement and SPEAK Network - seeking to engage young Christian students on issues of environmental justice.SPEAK Network are taking part in the planning for the "Joy in Enough" conference and series of events starting in 2014 :- are other moves afoot. Please come back and watch our home page for details as they emerge...


August 24, 2013

Try to call in on sunday! I have some ideas to share, delighted you're there - any poss of a youth wing to CEL coming about? The furore arising from Guides change of vows is going to force some into being party to other greener nationally varied youth groups

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