Growing Them Green- a Green Christian ‘EcoParent’ Initiative

The Growing Them Green Facebook page is an initiative that has grown out of the Green Christian Xistence Project, which aims to understand how we can better serve people in their 20s and 30s who are interested in environmental justice. It is now a a vibrant group with at least 100members,

The existence project looked  at what resources there were available for parents who identify as Christian and who also have an interest in sustainable living. Whilst they found lots of resources about eco-parenting, and about Christian parenting, they found very little that brought the two together  at that time.

Their  hope for the Growing Them Green Facebook page was that it would become a place where parents could share ideas, resources and encouragement with each other as part of the journey to nurture  children to love and care for God’s creation. They also invited group members and guests to blog about different topics relevant to Christian eco-parenting each fortnight, so if you would be interested in making a contribution- or just post and blog away!

There can be little else that is more important than nurturing in children a fascination and wonder at God’s creation at this crucial time. We often hear about how much we stand to lose from the effects of climate change and environmental degredation- but we also stand to gain so much if we can truly embrace God’s call to celebrate a Gospel that is for all of creation. From nappy changing to supporting our child to discern their life vocation,  this Facebook page continues to provide  an opportunity for us to join together in discovering what a greener future looks like for us, our children and our whole communities.

To join the group search ‘Growing Them Green’ on Facebook, or go to




Date: 30 July, 2018 | Category: News | Comments: 0

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