Happy Valentine’s Day Churches!

On Wednesday 11th February, 2015, Green Christian members took part in three Operation Noah and Christian Climate Action actions to encourage the UK Churches to disinvest from fossil fuels.  We also joined the Global Day of Divestment on the Saturday.

  1. We gave a Valentine’s Day card to the Churches!

valentines card 2We told the churches why we thought they should disinvest from fossil fuels! Three days before Global Divestment Day, which is also Valentines Day, Operation Noah and Christian Climate Action delivered a Valentine’s Day card to the Chvalentines card 3urch of England and to the Methodist Church investment decision-making bodies, asking them to ‘Show the Love’ for our planet and its people by disinvesting from fossil fuels. We wanted to share people’s messages about why they believe the Church should disinvest from fossil fuels in 2015.valentines card 1


  1. Christian Climate Action did a banner-drop in General Synod!

banner 1On the same day, Christian Climate Action, which includes many members of Green Christian, dropped a banner at the end of the Synod’s debate on intergenerational equity.  The General Synod is the sort of parliament of the Church of England.

banner 2The banner said: ‘We are young Christians. For us and our children, climate change is the biggest threat we face. Please pray and act for all those afflicted by climate change now and in the future. As a church community, we cannot continue to invest in fossil fuel companies. So we ask you, on our behalf, to divest now. ‘May God defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy.’ (Is. 24:2-5)

They then sang a rousing chorus of Amazing Grace and even got a round of applause!


3. Prayer Rally calling on the Church of England to Divest

vigil 4As the General Synod members were leaving Church House, Christian Climate Action held a prayer vigil to call upon the Church of England to divest from fossil fuels.

vigil 1The vigil used green jam jars and including a short service of prayer and reflection.




4. And on February 14th, Global Divestment Day, GC members were amongst the hundreds of climate change activists that descended on London’s City Hall, to put pressure on Boris Johnson and the Greater London authority to divest from polluting fossil fuels.

Sunniva-Taylor-Huck“I want to live in a city that is doing everything it can to build a more just future, led by the needs and aspirations of its citizens,” explained Sunniva Taylor, a campaigner with Bright Now, the church divestment campaign. “Instead I live in a city where fossil fuel companies have a huge amount of power. As well as the London Pension Fund Authority having millions of pounds invested in fossil fuel companies, Westminster politics is heavily influenced by their lobbying. Their logos are all over our art institutions and London-based churches and universities continue to profit from their fossil fuel investments.”




Date: 13 February, 2015 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 1

Comments on "Happy Valentine’s Day Churches!"

Stephanie and Jim Lodge:

February 14, 2015

Congratulations for all your hard work in trying to get the message across, and taking the For the love of....to the Synod. They need reminders of the one God whom they're ordained to serve.We look forward to the outcome.God bless and thank you. Stephanie and Jim

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