Help the National Trust make the right decision on renewables and fracking

SatelliteThe National Trust seems to be siding with those whose priorities don’t include the sustainability of the planet:


We’re open to fracking” says National Trust boss.

The Times leads with the director-general of the National Trust admitting the organisation is prepared to consider fracking on its land.  Dame Helen Ghosh said the trust would keep an open mind on the matter and wanted to examine any evidence regarding its environmental impact.  She also said the trust was concerned about proposals for offshore wind farms visible from land and confirmed it was unlikely that wind farms on National Trust property would ever be allowed.  Dame Helen also admitted the trust was falling behind on its targets for reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and conserving energy.


CEL member Nicky Bull has set up an AVAAZ petition to the National Trust: 

You could also write to the National Trust and say  something like:

I am  surprised and saddened by press reports that the NT is considering allowing fracking on its land.  I find it unbelievable that the Trust, founded to save our nations heritage and open spaces, with its admirable Energy and Climate Change programme, can be even considering this stance.  Humanity has to wean itself off all fossil fuels with great urgency and the NT, with its mission to conserve ‘historic places and green spaces, and opening them up for ever, for everyone’, has a duty to lead the way.

Dame Helen Ghosh, The Director-General, The National Trust,  Heelis,  Kemble Drive,  Swindon, Wiltshire,  SN2 2NA



Date: 28 October, 2013 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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