Help us at the CEL stall at Greenbelt 22-25 August – Kettering

Christian Ecology Link will be at the Greenbelt festival again this year, over the August Bank Holiday weekend. As you probably know, it’s going to be near Kettering this time. Are you planning to go? If so, would you like to help out on the CEL stall and have the opportunity to meet fellow CEL members?

In previous years there have been enough volunteers to have two people ‘on’ at once, which makes the job easier and more enjoyable. If you’re interested, contact Paul Bodenham ( No commitment is expected yet, but if you do respond, I’ll get back to you over the summer with more details.

We may be able to offer a complimentary ticket (day or weekend) to someone who is willing cover more than one two-hour slot each day. If you’d like to be considered for this, please say how much time you can offer.



Date: 29 April, 2014 | Category: Uncategorized |Topics: | Comments: 1

Comments on "Help us at the CEL stall at Greenbelt 22-25 August – Kettering"

Daphne Tomlinson:

May 1, 2014

I will help at the CEL stall at Greenbelt for 4 hours each day. The complimentary ticket would be very nice but, as I plan to come anyway, you might want to offer it to someone else.

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