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Green Christian

Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times

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Leaflet TitleDescription
Eco Check Up For Churches Use this check list to see how your church is doing.
Nine Ways to Live Gently on the EarthNine suggestions for reducing your contribution to climate change.
Way of Life CommunityA Community of believers where care for God’s creation in all its forms is a fundamental outworking of their faith. The Way of Life Community calls for deeper engagement and shared encouragement. Followers of the Way are called ‘Companions’
Use your LOAF leafletExplains the LOAF principles for sourcing food.
Biodiversity LeafletFacts and what we can do; Biblical quotes and Rainforest Fund.
Resources and ActivitiesGives details of Green Christian’s publications, leaflets and other resources.
7 R’s leafletPractical tips for respecting and protecting God’s Creation