Hope for the Future

Hope for the Future – www.hftf.org.uk

Join in this New Campaign led by group of DEOs ( Cof E Diocesan Environment Officers) to get ALL political parties to say in their Manifestos for 2015 how they will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 by 2050 giving precise targets and dates.

Their website is to be updated in February with more news- but have a look at it now to get a preview.


Dangerous climate change may well be unavoidable within 20 years if we do not reduce our CO2 emissions drastically now.

To get climate change as an issue that the public and the politicians take seriously in the next election in 2015 requires that the politicians and their workers are preparing for it now and in early 2014. Here is part of a draft letter that the Hope For The Future Group has prepared. They invite you to send it, not just to your MP, but to all  the main parties that will be standing. 

(N.B. please visit their website as it is possible they will update this draft letter shortly)

“…At the very least, please press for your party to show in its Manifesto for the 2015 General Election how it will, as required by law, reach the target of an 80 reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 giving precise targets and dates. This will give the
UK a stronger hand in the vital negotiations for an international
agreement. ….”

Please visit the site www.hftf.org.uk and do tell the organisers if you write a letter.

They are pleased to have this quote from Rowan Williams to introduce it:

“If ever there were an urgent moral and spiritual issue, this is it. We risk a twofold betrayal – of our responsibility to the Creator for the good stewardship of His creation, and of our responsibility to our vulnerable neighbours, here and worldwide, who bear the brunt of environmental degradation and looming crisis – not to mention our responsibility to generations to come, our own children and grandchildren. We need to show a deeper faithfulness to God and our neighbour, and this campaign calls us to do just that.”

– Dr. Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury



Date: 17 January, 2014 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 0

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