Just Food – Animal Friendly and Fairtrade Workshop
The second group of the afternoon, divided the discussion into two parts
- treat as brothers and sisters rather than as ‘things’, they are not a commodity
- go vegetarian/vegan or eat less meat
- legislation has improved conditions for pigs, more needed for other livestock
- churches should teach about the above it is part of Christian discipleship. Have a better understanding of creation theology and stewardship .
- as Christians we have a responsibility to source our food ethically and expect to pay a realistic price for it, ie conscious consumers.
- the pressure to industrialise food production is growing not shrinking
- be like the monks and farm carp in our ponds
- use local butchers, using local abbatoirs, ban live exports
- badger cull as a result of TB, is it necessary, innoculate herds, are herds too big
- Traidcraft is a Christian organisation founded in 1979 whose aim is to enable people to trade themselves out of poverty. Works with poorer countries.
- Fairtrade Foundation certifies products as meeting fairtrade standards and promotes the fairtrade causes. Founded in the early nineties
- Banking – choose an ethical bank like Triodos to know your money is being used wisely
- fairtrade goes beyond food products with a logo, it should extend to all farming practices in the UK, what about vegetable pickers in East Anglia
Issues surrounding fairtrade
- Subsidies to EU & US farmers, can make it extremely difficult for others to bring their crops to market, eg US cotton subsidies, Zambia loses its cotton trade
- supermarket chains force down prices and working conditions
- use genuine farmers markets or local producers instead
- Need – Good Governance – Conscious Consuming
- Get rid of the obsession with production
Next: Ash Dieback and Petition to Garden Centres
Previous: Just Food – Breakout Session 2 – Local Food
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