Keith Innes – 1933 – 2020
A Tribute
Revd Keith Innes died in December. Keith was a long time member of Green Christian. He wrote a Grove booklet on “Caring for the Earth – The Environment, Christians and the Church” back in 1987. He was instrumental in setting up not just one local CEL group but two: Kent and Ringmer in East Sussex where he retired from active ministry in 1997. He spent the first three years of his retirement making notes each Sunday on the readings in the three-year lectionary – on the things the preachers could have been saying! He offered these “Green Pointers for Preachers” to CEL/Green Christian. We still have them on our website They remain relevant. You can see a longer obituary of this quiet revolutionary on the JRI website

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Comments on "Keith Innes – 1933 – 2020"
Tim Cooper:
I was sorry to learn of Keith's death. His Grove booklet Caring for the Earth was an excellent source for those of us who, back in the 1980s, were seeking to understand the theology and ethics underlying environmental activism. He was intelligent, humble, faithful and excellent company - a lovely man.
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