Minsteracres Retreat, July 2018

In splendid surroundings a group of Green Christians journeyed to Minsteracres which is the Passionists retreat centre. To begin at the end, here we are gathered for our Sunday Morning love feast led by Chris Walton.

During the weekend led by Paul Bodenham (Chair of Green Christian) and Chris Walton (Green Christian’s Chaplain) we were encouraged along our ecological journeys to reconciliation with the earth, listening to the movements of our own hearts, and each others, as we entered God’s heart for the Earth. One of the inspirations for the weekend was provided by some words of Carl Rogers

An empathetic way of being with another person has several facets. It means entering the perceptual world of the other and becoming thoroughly at home in it. It involves being sensitive, moment by moment, to the changing felt meanings which flow in this other person, to the fear or rage or tenderness or confusion or whatever he or she is experiencing. It means temporarily living in the other’s life, moving about in it delicately without making judgements; however strange or bizarre the world of the other, and then returning to your own world when you wish.

Each of us was given a blank ‘life scroll’ which was used to chart our respective journeys using words, doodles, drawing, charts….. The outside of the scroll charted outer journeys of influential events and encounters.

Here we are looking at what we drew from outer journeys other than our own, be it something shared or something totally new.

After lunch we had free time where many enjoyed an earth walk in the Peace Garden, some of us ventured further afield to Derwent Resevoir. Eventually coming back together….

After a free afternoon of immersing ourselves in the beauty around us, we then returned to our ‘life scrolls’ this time focussing on the inner journey and where God may be leading us. This was then offered to God in a concluding love feast on the Sunday morning



Date: 13 July, 2018 | Category: Green Christian Events | Comments: 1

Comments on "Minsteracres Retreat, July 2018"

Sheila Pentelow:

July 28, 2018

I really enjoyed being on this retreat, my first weekend event with GC, Minsteracres was a fabulous, spacious and beautiful setting. The weekend was for me, nicely paced and well facilitated, and so both relaxed and informative with time to reflect but also discuss. Thank you everyone for organising this gathering.

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