Multi-Faith Earth Day Vigil – 22 April 2014
Faith, Creation and Climate Change
To be hosted at the University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus, starting at 19:30 (7.30pm).
A reflective and meditative vigil conducted largely in silence and focusing on :
– the challenges of climate change
– the impacts on soil, water, animals and people
– the role of faith in responding to these challenges to the Earth
This event is open to all who care about the natural environment and what is happening to creation – those of all faiths and indeed people of no faith.
The event will start and finish in St. Martin’s Chapel. Weather permitting we will use a series of outside locations to focus on the different impacts listed above. Please therefore come prepared for outdoor conditions.
The total duration of the vigil will be around 1 hr. 15 mins. Tea and coffee will be available afterwards in the chapel.
This event is supported by Treading Lightly, a network associated with Churches Together Lancaster:
Contact : Gordon Blair, Operation Noah Ambassador
Email: gordon [dot] s [dot] blair @ googlemail [dot] com
Telephone: 01 524 791 403
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