NEW! Joy in Enough monthly talks

17 Nov and 15 Dec

The Joy in Enough team is planning a series of Zoom-based events from November 2021 to April next year. We hope both that these will be of interest to all members of Green Christian, and others sympathetic to its aims, and that they will be particularly relevant to those who want further information on topics covered by Plenty! after taking that programme

All the events are currently planned to be on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7pm.

Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

Wednesday 17 November 7pm

Jesus and the Magic Money Tree – Money: what is it, and what does it do?

Revd Dr John Daniels will talk about money: what is it, and what does it do?  We all use money every day and we kind-of understand how it works.  But if we look at the history of money, and what it has become today, we discover that this takes us to the root of what it means to live in time and in society with others.  All of which can cast a whole new light on basic Christian ideas like faith, hope and love.

.Register here for the Joy in Enough monthly talks (When you register you will be emailed a link)

Wednesday 15 December 7pm

The Economics of Enough

Jeremy Williams talks about the ideas in his book The Economics of Arrival, co-authored with Katherine Trebeck. What does enough look like? Is it possible to imagine an economy that doesn’t need to grow any more? What would it be like to live in a society where we put people’s needs first, and how do we get there?

There will be further monthly talks from January to April 2022, including, provisionally, from the Jubilee Debt Campaign.Register here for the Joy in Enough monthly talks (When you register you will be emailed a link)

Read more about the Plenty! Programme.  

Joy in Enough (JiE) is a Green Christian project which is a challenge to Christians in Britain, and an invitation to all people of good will, to join in building a just economy within the ecological limits of the Earth.



Date: 17 November, 2021 | Category: Green Christian Events | Comments: 3

Comments on "NEW! Joy in Enough monthly talks"

Iain Climie:

November 17, 2021

Many, many years ago (I'm now 63) I did A Level Economics and the first lesson included the statement that there is no obvious upper limit on human desire for material wealth. A far saner approach was suggested by lugubrious US comic Steve Wright: "You can't have everything, where would you put it?" What is is with modern consumerism? Do people want to be buried like Tutankhamen with a huge pile of material posessions and, if so, where on earth would we put the pyramids and get the raw materials for them?


November 17, 2021

Just click on the link above where it says .Register here for the Joy in Enough monthly talksat 7pm and it will let you in

Alex de Brouwer:

November 17, 2021

Hello,I want to join the monthly talk of 'Joy in Enough' of 15 December. Do I get a link before?

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