New LOAF for Lent Course

Rev Stephen Levett has prepared a series of 5 weeks worth of material to be used throughout Lent at Emmanuel Church, a URC-Methodist church in Redditch, Worcestershire.

You can download the booklet here (this works now – 10.37am Tue 12 Feb). – If you use the booklet, or even if you don’t use it, but have some helpful comments, please send them to Steve (contact details lower down) as he would like to know how the book is being used.

The material can be used individually or as the basis for group meetings, and encourages people to explore and apply the LOAF principles throughout the season.

It includes some of the material from our GC LOAF Leaflet:
L-Local, O-Organic, A- Animal Friendly, F- Fairly Traded PLUS for the last week – “Leftovers – and other green issues”. 

He invites other churches to take part if interested.

Given that Emmanuel will be using the first draft or prototype material he is more than happy to receive suggested revisions and additions in the hope that  LOAF for Lent, once refined, might become something useful to others in future years.

Steve can be contacted at email:, landline: 01527 575017, mobile: 07505 011327

You can download the booklet here. – If you use the booklet, or even if you don’t use it, but have some helpful comments, please send them to Steve as he would like to know how the book is being used.

Each week a different poem cum prayer produced by Carla A Grosch-Miller, based on and a reworking of a Psalm, will be offered as something with which to dwell for the seven days. They are taken from Carla’s book Psalms Redux,

Carla’s book itself is available for purchase via her publishers at

Also remember the other Lent Courses we have promoted in 2019 – the Birmingham booklet and the Operation Noah : Tenants of the King



Date: 2 February, 2019 | Category: Uncategorized |Topics: | Comments: 1

Comments on "New LOAF for Lent Course"

Stephen Levett:

February 6, 2019

I've now completed version 1 for use in Lent 2019. Please email me at for a copy, or it might just appear as a download on this website somewhere!

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