What are Your Resolutions for 2016?

What resolutions are you going to make for 2016?
The New Year is a wonderful opportunity for a new start.

Add your suggestion to the reply box at the foot of this post.



The New Year is a special time of year.

Some people like to attend a special “Watch Night Service” as the New Year starts.

Methodists have a special Covenant Service on one of the first Sundays of the New Year, which people of other denominations are very welcome to attend  (Read about it here at the UK Methodist Church website  – and see the words of the whole service here )

It includes the paragaph:-

For the sin that has led us to misuse your  gifts,
evade our responsibilities,
and fail to be good stewards of your creation:
Lord, have mercy,
Lord, forgive.

Which of these resolutions could you make? Or what else would you chose to do?

1. Get Fit and avoid obesity2. Singing3. Develop your Speaking skills4. Develop your Listening skills5. Save Wildlife – Get your church involved. URGENT

50% of world wild animals (with backbones) have gone in last 40 yrs.
6.  Master
the magic of
a) Mosses,
b) Moths
c)Mammals and more.. marvels of nature
7. Take Old People on Nature Trips8. Count your blessings!9. Campaign10. …….. your suggestion?
11. Become more (dis)ability aware / inclusive 12. Get GC free News email13. Get GC Prayer Diary free14. Set up a CG group15. Prioritise
16. Donate to the rainforest project17. Promote your event18. Display GC leaflets19. Join GC20. Organise a LOAF meal


www.lift.do: – A Useful website  (Now called Coach-me) – Try the site / app www.lift.do  – it helps you start new habits. You decided what you want to do every day (e.g. exercise,  have 7  hours sleep,  improve prayer life,  smile,) and everyday you log in and say that you have done it. You can make up your own resolutions.

However you bring in the New Year, CEL Web Editors and Steering Committee wish you


especially in sharing with and encouraging others, and campaigning to look after God’s Beautiful World.

The comments/responses below are those made to an earlier version of this post that was published in 2012



Author: | Date: 12 December, 2015 | Category: Action Biodiversity | Comments: 3

Comments on "What are Your Resolutions for 2016?"

Jenny Cooke:

January 1, 2014

This year, I commit to taking God's creation seriously. I have been an anti-poverty campaigner for nearly a decade, and I already do some things to reduce my environmental impact but this year I want to step up a gear. So in 2014 I want to drop a tonne of personal carbon emissions, campaign with others (locally in Yorkshire and nationally) to create effective political and social responses to climate change and become an expert in sustainability in my workplace, to help drive improvements in infrastructure because I'm a civil engineer and the UK's infrastructure which I help to build and maintain is responsible for 53% of UK emissions. I also commit to praying with CEL's prayer community this year, and to encourage my friends to hold me accountable for keeping these pledges, I will write about my experiences on my new blog (www.treadinglightly.org.uk). It's ambitious, but I recognise that we need some ambitious solutions and it's got to start somewhere.

Helen Drever:

December 31, 2012

We need to look after our fibre as well as our food security - you don't want to be naked in a post peak oil world unless of course it's a return to Eden. Learn to spin with flax, cotton, bamboo and wool :-)

Mike de Villiers:

December 20, 2012

10 Invite a Muslim/family to tea and cake because "Muslims are great at curries; rubbish at cakes" (Zulfi) and it is through hospitality that we reach those places where words fail.

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