New Year 2023 Resolutions
The New Year: A wonderful opportunity for a new start.
What resolutions will you make for 2023?
Add your suggestion to the reply box at the foot of this post.
Green aware, healthy and happy be
in Two thousand and twenty three.
Photo credit Keith Williamson
After the Christmas splurge of chocolate, cash and carbon, here are some New Year resolutions that are good for your body, your bank-balance as well as our beautiful world:
- Cancel the gym membership! (Unless you live next door, or cycle there). Can you find a way to exercise that doesn’t require getting into your car? I keep fit by cycling to things when they are close enough and doing step-aerobics in the privacy and convenience of my sitting room on a step which cost £20 twenty years ago. Walking costs 2p per mile in boots!
. - Pile on the pulses instead of the ounces. Serving lentils, chickpeas or beans with a grain of some sort (rice, couscous, pasta) makes a complete protein meal at a fraction of the price of meat. Pulses are also naturally low in fat and high in fibre and minerals. And since animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, each time you choose the vegan option, you are being kind to the world.
. - Insulate yourself! Trawl second hand shops for big fluffy jumpers and fleecy blankets and see how many layers you can wear at once. Now you will have to turn the heating down! Every degree you lower will save you about 10% of the energy – thus saving carbon and money.
. - Stay grounded. Consider holidaying by car or train this year, rather than flying. It could be cheaper, it could be healthier, especially if it means you don’t get sun-burnt, but, most importantly, it will cut a whopping big hole in your carbon footprint and will probably be the kindest thing you can do for the earth and its future inhabitants.
. - Actually, that’s not true. An even more effective way to care for the earth is to demand a better world. Spend the cost of a stamp or an email, or a train ticket to join a rally, vigil or protest, and campaign on behalf of future generations. Support a charity that you like the look of (e.g. Green Christian, Christian Aid, Greenpeace, Operation Noah, WWF, RSPB) and join your voice to the millions calling on the government and other institutions to act on climate change.
Watchnight and Covenant Services
The New Year is a special time of year.
Some people like to attend a special “Watch Night Service” as the New Year starts.
Methodists have a special Covenant Service on one of the first Sundays of the New Year, which people of other denominations are very welcome to attend (Read about it here at the UK Methodist Church website – and see the words of the whole service here )
It includes the paragaph:-
For the sin that has led us to misuse your gifts,
evade our responsibilities,
and fail to be good stewards of your creation:
Lord, have mercy,
Lord, forgive.
Ideas for New Years Resolutions
Short of ideas for New Year Resolutions? Try some of these:
Which of these resolutions could you make? Or what else would you chose to do?
1. Get Fit and avoid obesity | 2. Singing | 3. Develop your Speaking skills | 4. Develop your Listening skills : RASA | 5. Save Wildlife – Get your church involved. URGENT |
6. Master the magic of Mosses, Moths, Mammals and more .. marvels of nature | 7. Take Old People on Nature Trips | 8. Count your blessings! | 9. Campaign | 10. Go more vegan |
Would you like to form new habits? A Useful website to visit is: Coach-me – download the habit tracker ap -. You decided what you want to do every day (e.g. exercise, have 7 hours sleep, improve prayer life, smile,) and everyday you log in and say that you have done it. You can make up your own resolutions.
However you bring in the New Year, Green Christian Web Editors and Steering Committee wish you
especially in sharing with and encouraging others, and campaigning to look after God’s Beautiful World.
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Comments on "New Year 2023 Resolutions"
Thank you all of the Team, for all the work to so painstakenly done to keep God's Beautiful World in our thoughts and through your web pages this last past year; my Prayers and Thoughts are for asking our Father God to continue to Bless all your work and efforts, bringing such manifold goodness awaiting us through Christ our Lord and Saviour and ensuring the responsibilities for its future lie with us.Every Blessings for 2017
Ray Blyth:
We can appreciate wildlife more by not having a pet but by allowing and creating habitats in the garden.
Melanie Fryer:
Other suggestions are: Buy British wool products and leather. They last for years. The fashions industry is one of the most wasteful with 70% of garments going into landfill. Rebecca Hoskins at Village Farm, Devon has organic wool garments for babies. Change the way you buy food - ALL supermarkets are eco-disasters. Booths in the North West are first in the queue for gas from fracking! Support food assemblies, farmer's markets, farm gate sales or a local organic box scheme. Buy British peas/beans, pulses and quinoa from Homedods. Make up a group with friends or neighbours and place a bulk order.
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