On the Road Together in London – report with pictures

Over forty of us gathered to find out what Green Christian has on offer and how we can connect with each other. It was wonderful to see many new faces as well as familiar ones. Our chair Paul Bodenham said

“Many thanks again for a thoroughly successful day yesterday – who would have thought it would attract such a crowd. It was really encouraging that our instincts for more ‘participation’ were validated, and our solution caught the mood. It was a big affirmation, and clearly a model to take further. Please share how we can build on the experience.”

Link to the original post advertising the On the Road Together Days ..
including news of upcoming days 


We opened with an inspiring talk from our chaplain Chris, followed by an in depth look at Green Christian’s Way of Life programme introduced by Deborah.

After a shared lunch along the LOAF principles,
some of us heard from Ewan who cycled with two companions from Paris to Bonn for COP23,


others spent time in contemplation led by Deidre.

Then a short play – the actors using the words of Martin Luther, Pope Francis and Big Money. The script for this was developed by Christian Climate Action and can be found on their website.

We then reconvened in groups to test out materials for our Joy in Enough program.

Then a final sharing with George of how we can build inclusively and co-operate to move forward together in these challenging times. We’d love to hear your impressions of the day- give us your feedback below.

The next ‘On the Road Together’ is currently being planned for East Anglia on 2nd June, please check the What’s On page



Date: 5 February, 2018 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: 2

Comments on "On the Road Together in London – report with pictures"

Mary Grey:

March 12, 2018

I'm so sorry I couldn't be there- it sounds inspiring!

Kathy Grant:

February 6, 2018

It sounds really interesting. Sorry I couldn't be there as I had to attend another meeting.

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